it absolutely can happen there have r. a lot of young people especially who don't have jobs. very angry, don't have nothing better to do like to riot. rioting is fun for them. they can be provoked into doing it at a drop of the hat. >> bill: what do you do because it sin evident tillable that if mitt romney wins the election in november i expect that there is going to be a huge cut in government spending. this is going to come very very quickly. particularly in the republics control the senate and the house. it's going to be totally reorganized. romney is going to have to do it. do you expect this to come very very quickly? >> i don't expect romney to win. i would like him to win. i will vote for him. but i think obama is a far more formidable campaigner. contrary to your friend and mine dick morris obama will swamp him in terms of money raising. if romney does win i hope he does. there will be cut backs in government spending. people will be whipped up by a frenzy by people at msnbc and elsewhere at least that's my