> greta: this is the beach boys' version. ♪ ♪ dennis changed the phrase, cease to"> > greta: this is the beach boys' version. ♪ ♪ dennis changed the phrase, cease to" property="og:description"> > greta: this is the beach boys' version. ♪ ♪ dennis changed the phrase, cease to">
"cease to exist." ♪ cease to exist, just come and say you love me. >> greta: this is the beach boys' version. ♪ ♪ dennis changed the phrase, cease to exist to cease to resist when he and the beach boys recorded the song now called never learn not to love. although credited to wilson manson still got paid when the song was included on the beach boys' album. the lyric change infuriated him. >> was livid. you guys ruined it. >> after he saw that side where manson really got angry about changing of the lyrics. there was a new side that you didn't see the peace, love and tye-dye thing any more. he was an angry young man.