dangerous? can you explain to me why, this -- president obama submitted a budget. congressman powell paul ryan submitted a budget and the senate has produced no budget. and it seems that everybody needs to produce a budget to have something on the tabling to negotiate. but if the senate has no budget, it stops the whole process, so it stops everything from going forward. any attempt of negotiations. can you explain to me, step out of the political field for a second. explain to me, why -- [laughter] >> greta: why would senator harry reid not want a budget put on the table to at least begin the discussion? >> well, i think there are -- two reasons. first of all, i think the senator's not produced a budget in something like 900 days. so they have gone almost 3 years now without a budget. i think what happened was that their budget committee chairman, a democrat, found out he literally could not produce a budget. he couldn't get a majority of democrats to agree to bring anything forward and they