outrageous. >> and joe biden, i guess plagiarized a speech way back when from a socialist-- >> neil kinic. >> and this is the guy telling us all about how, you know, that they're so in favor of the private sector. and this, it's almost unspeakable. it's a joke, right? >> dagen? >> i meant labor pared by the way, neil kinic. and what is astonishing, when he's talking private sector, talking to a group of workers that would not have jobs without the government. it's very clear with this administration, they aim to punish real private sector success and believe in the power of government and the good of government. but this is not-- these are just, this is a business, these are businesses in the auto industry, that would not be-- that got bailed out by the government, instead of truly supporting private business, that succeeds or fails on its own merits.