something, th nothing, that's not entirely accurate. while you say we are doing nothing you have to look for a job, you have to document that, which takes a lot of money and fuel, time, and with what's leftover you have to pay your bills. it's not money for doing nothing. >> but take 99 weeks which millions of americans get. if we had attached to the 99 weeks a training program those folks would have ended up literally with the equivalent of an associates degree. the challenge is in fresno california 17,000 were unemployed and 17,000 jobs. the unemployed didn't have the training for the job. i want to find a way from day one if you find yourselves in a situation where you don't have work, we are connecting you to the world of work and we are giving you an incentive to get trained and give you a business incentive to reach out to train new people. particularly if we go to a very