and how to ratchet back the rhetoric. i thought this is what they wanted, mike, they wanted the extended primary. of course they'd all be going after each other for months and weeks on end. >> this has taken a turn. this has really got even ugly. now we have republicans a cushion other republicans of sounding like liberal democrats. megyn: of being liars. >> liars, and that started out really with the mitt romney super pack in iowa where they accused newt of being in favor of the mandate. i mean the individual healthcare mandate, which wasn't true. this has got even ugly. i really was rooting for newt in terms of staying positive. i thought it would set a tone. megyn: it was an experiment. >> and it didn't go well, now he's throwing into the towel and says that doesn't fly i'm going to have to roll up my sleeves like everybody else. i don't think it's great for anybody. it's kind of ugly. megyn: let me ask you this. alan. i think the republicans got this idea from the democratic primarily last time around. the rules were different for democrats, and it led to the