doesn't think he could vote for another against barack obama. stepping it up late six days left. doing what he has to do. >> andrea: it seems like newt gingrich went from being nice to everybody now. he can't just fight romney. he has had to fight aser ring pointed out ron paul gaining in the polls. we have a poll to pull up, cnn time, i want you to react to this. this shows romney on top in iowa. so newt gingrich is actually having to spend money not just on fighting romney, but on fighting ron paul something he didn't want to have to do. >> kimberly: incoming, newt taking hits from all side. he is still crawling. what the republican base is, not fighting. they want someone to get their hair messed up and do the dirty work. fight back. i like his approach. i like the attitude. now he has to turn around and get super pac to help him get ground support, campaign money together. otherwise, can't be bothered.