ththeyey v vototee f foror t t t t mononthths,s, nenegogotitiatate e a a yeyearar a andnd t ty wowon'n't t hahaveve t too deal with h howow ngng i itt s shohoululdd l lasast.t. > b b b bt:t: w whehen you h heaearr spspeaeakekerr b boeoehnhnhnhn sayayiningt't'ss n noo wawayy t toounun a a g govoverernmnmenentt e eveveryry twtwoo m mononththss w whyhy d donononon w wee d doo i itt foforr a a y yeaearr a ass t thehe p p p pssididenentt asaskeked d fofofo what do y youou t thihinknk?? > i i l lovovee t thhhh e editorialalal ururnanal.l. ee d dememococraratsts a are getting thehe upuppeper r hahandnd o onn c c c cting the tataxexes.s. amamerericicanan p peoeoplplplplseseee t thrhrough this. nonobobodydy b belelieievevess s spepeakakakak boboehehnenerr s sorortt o off t tyiyingng h himimseselflf inin a a p p p ptztzelel o oththerer t thahan,n, o orr bebelilieveveses h hisis a actctioion,n, t tieieie h himim inin a a p preretztzel o oththerererer t thahann h he andnd hihiss s smamallll b banandd o off f fololololwewersrs.. evevereryyyyepepubublilicacan n cacandndididate says they w want a a p payayrorollll t taxax cucut.t. eieieieitt s senenatatororss s sayay they ththououghght t itit s shohoulululul pass. kakarlrlove t tononigightht r repepubublilicacann gugururu s sayayss t thehe republicans shshououldld p pasasss t thehe house