if i had to say anybody could come from weirdness because everybody seems to be coming way far from left field, i don't think santorum has done anything to hurt himself at this point. it reminds you of the gut theory of politics. i trusted my gut on herman cain. now, i still trust my gut on herman cain as being a pretty decent guy. i don't trust my gut as much as i used to because he is not presidential at this point. i had a perfect call from a guy today on my radio show. i want to get it his name is martin boston. he said the problem with the cain train there is too much steam on the windows and not enough in the engine. [ laughter ] that, not mine. markin boston. perfect description of what's happening here. >> bill: you and i did a couple shows in richmond and atlantic city we both agreed because we do talk politics on stage that it wasn't so much all of this other extracurricular stuff that