schools in terms of what they can have in the cafeterias, that is a tremendous cost at a time of a bad economy and that is what is happening and the republicans are saying, wait, we don't want pizza. regulated. to this extent. it will cause -- >> jamie: whether or not it is classified as a vegetable, don't you think that that is not the best choice? can't we upgrade our school lunches? to me it is a huge issue. >> cutting french fries from the school system is a better choice, but i take a listen angle with this. you know, as a prostate surgeon i'm a big fan of tomatoes, i think lycopene plays a big role, not that the kids need to worry about prostates but tomatoes are good for them. do our kids need any more pizza than they are having and the answer is absolutely not. when they come home and say, i have a lot of vegetables and fruits and have pies of pizza we don't need that. it is the car hika carbohydrate- >> you need to do a study, is there enough lycopene in a pizza to help your prostate. >> that is true but do we need the government to be involved in