telling us what calories are in our food is ridiculous. if you want to find out, find out yourself. look it up on the initer net. -- internet, and then take the stairs you lazy bum. you just ate a big, fat hamburger. >> why did we got to brooklyn all of a sudden? >> i am reliving this. i remember ronald reagan defined ketchup as a vegetable. just take away the dumb requirement and everyone can have therapy swraw. kids like pizza. did you ever see kids? they love it. andy, are you a kid at heart. >> i am. >> i will put the plug in again. you put the calorie component in there and the break down of carbohydrates and proteins and fats and what those are made up of, and kids will become more aware. gee, mom, i ate three pieces of pizza. >> mom should be there. >> they will become more aware when they become big old