to change them if you don't like them. >> they are going to work within the law to make sure that the 30 million americans that the republicans across the country are trying to disinch franchise will be able to exercise their right that so many have fought and died for this this country. they should do everything they can to do that. all the republican attention on the department of justice is trying to draw attention away from what they are trying to do is take the unconstitutional laws that the state has passed and get rid of that. megyn: the obama campaign admits apparently that it's going to send quote voter protection teams into the field in the spring earlier than usual to start this effort, voter protection teams. do you see that as having any risks? >> well, are you asking me? they are not voter protection teams, they are get out the vote, they are corrupt the vote. why are they even concerned about this. really if voter fraud is so minuscule as it is why do you object to these laws? there is only one reason, that's