>> bob: 275%. >> kimberly: so what? >> andrea: who cares? this administration is so focus on one of the seven deadly sins. greed. they don't focus on the other ones. it's time that people get off their butts. and work. so what -- >> bob: it's time to pay their fair share. >> kimberly: i don't -- this is a positive report. this shows like greg says there is movement and people are jumping from one class to the next. isn't this what america is about. to try to do better and be the person that does better for their family and themselves? to encourage people to go out there and work hard? that is the american dream. when you have money, it's easier to make money. >> eric: if you have money, easier to make money. everyone points at the u.s. top 1%. in america, there is an index for this. the high level to low level. gin index. shows income diversity among classes. in america, we come in at 45. that is our index.