>> the abortion blunder was kind of inexplicable. i mean, trying to -- it doesn't walk it back when you say it ought to be the person's choice, but, oh, yeah, it's also illegal. that doesn't help. but i suspect that herman cain may have peaked and may begin to decline. >> if you look at the policy there's a hint that sometimes between october 6th and october 10th, cain peaked and has begun to slide slightly since then. >> so let's talk about this tonight. christina, associate politics editor joins us. good to talk to you tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> britt hume and karl rove, they are picking up some indications happening in the policy now as well. herman cain has hit a couple bumps in the road, said a few things of that got any lot of attention and frankly have made people wonder whether or not he is ready for the job on