one of the few times that you can go as you on hallowe'en and peel won't think we're carrottop. >> the kids had a costume for hallowe'en and they were walking up sunset boulevard. they went in their costumes. oh, cool, kiss. they really were kiss. >> gene simmons says that right now but it's qaddafi. >> that was a terrible joke. he looks like ron jeremy, doesn't he? >> he actually does on a good day. >> i won't know what ron jeremy looks like. >> well not his face. >> jeremy was one of the worst guests we've ever had. >> don't say that. >> because he wore genie pants without underwear. >> i wear gym pants, come on, genie pants are for gals. >> the worst part is you were sitting next to me so i had to see what was going on with his pants while you were staring at her. >> it was just dripping in sweat and not a good thing. >> and just for men.