that happened during the financial crisis, what's next for our country, questioning capitalism, is it what brought us to the brink and there is a feeling that this generation will not do as well as their parents' generation, that's -- that fundamental all right of being american isn't happen. brad: i would say don't blame capitalism. as someone who's written about the evils of wall street, i've written any more than any of these kids out there, by the way, before a lot of them were born, i can tell you that wall street since are not related to capitalism, they're related to crony capitalism that benefitted them and two still -- it still benefits them but that is not capitalism. capitalism is allowing small businesses to hire, not screws them with regulations, which is what we have now. jenna: the president spoke about those regulations earlier today. if we have that sound, let's run it. >> their plan says we should go back to the good old days before the financial crisis, when wall street was writing its own rules. they want to roll back the reforms that we put into place. >> they were writing their