straight! thank you, bob. gregg: wise words of caution. how about this one? many homeowners facing foreclosure could soon see their mortgage debt reduced, dramatically, all part of a proposed settlement between state attorneys jand some of the big banks caught up in that robo signing scandal. phil keating is live in miami with more. hi phil. >> reporter: hi gregg. there's an estimated 6 million americans who are disstressed homeowners, either fighting, from or within negotiations with the banks to avoid foreclosure. this is one of the houses that you can find in any neighborhood, pretty much, around the country. it's now bank-owned, it was foreclosed upon, and it's still sitting vacant, because the property has yet to sell. we spoke with one woman in orlando yesterday who hasn't paid her mortgage in two years because her husband died, and she speaks on behalf of so many people. here's patricia workman. >> i go to bed at night, worrying this house.