i think this study was superficial. it should have analyzed the lack of work experience of the members of congress and their inability to deal with the economic issues. >> you are a smart lady. in a weird way you just endorsed herman cane. he is a guy that worked in the private sector. >> i always thought she was endorsing cocaine. >> i am not coming on this show again. farts, drugs, that's it. >> i want to ask you question. why should we expect a bunch of idiots who don't know what a5-ok is. >> the most popular background is in government. this is all a scam. they are just learning how to get themselves on this gravy train. a better background would be in test of strength. it is like the world's strongest man or even better they have to shovel -- for every dollar they add to our deficit, they have to shovel an actual pound of [bleep] and that will help them understand