as far as, you know, i know from what i've seen in evidence, i have now from the videos that ie seen from her when she was in prison, the pictures that were taken that were admitted in evidence, anything about her personality, i do think that she has or she has isske,s that she'll bat cor e forever, isskes that i can't understand. i don't associate myself with people like that. so i don't reallyt'snow much about the personality of casey anthony. i just know from what i was aome to see that she does have problems. >> because something you didn't hear and had nothing to do with the trial or anything there were letters she wrote when she was in jail talking about having another child which horrified children. >> we didn'tt'snow anything abot those. >> and your thought about it. >> i donn't a have much thoughto it. i havenn't a given it much thou. her writing in prison to other people, yout'snow, i donn't at'w what else muc in p what else you