reliable person. >> i don't think anybody thinks that, when the president went in, his doctrine was to enter into libya for humanitarian purposes. the point that i'm saying, we are seeing many, many lives lost including innocent civilians' lives and what will be the ultimate objective and gain? i don't see it. i think it was a foolish decision to have gotten involved. >> chris: we're running out of time. you are a tax lawyer. which may surprise some people and a successful business woman, and, the wrap against michelle bachmann is that you say, forgive me, flaky things and i want to run through a couple. one in march you told a crowd in new hampshire this: >> i love about new hampshire and what we have in common is our extreme love for liberty and, you are the state where the shot was heard around the world, and -- washington and con cared. >> after that i promised i would never again use president obama's teleprompter and i