so what do you do? "a," get a ridiculously high credit card. with a credit rating of 40%. interest every month. or you can go to a loan shark. joey, "i'm going to break your legs if you don't pay, you understand?" or go bankrupt. the only viable option is to make the drastic cut. take the car. sell the house. live in an apartment. downgrade your lifestyle. it's coming. they are downgrading our credit. that is why our country and our fed is downgrading our money. yet our expectations remain the same. that is why people riot on the street. they don't understand it. it's a five-star restaurant. it's been downgraded to a two-star restaurant. you might find a bug in the salad this time. i'm just saying.

Related Keywords

Credit Rating ,Credit Card ,Loan Shark ,40 ,Car ,Apartment ,Option ,Pay ,Legs ,House ,Cut ,Joey ,Credit ,Money ,Country ,Fed ,Lifestyle ,Expectations ,People ,Same ,Restaurant ,Bug ,Five Star Restaurant ,Salad ,The Street ,Five ,Two ,

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