gmorno r t w did sheli?aidhe n yo u talked abo ut wheidheaiheyou taedbong? >> iwalikeomethie di'tng w?antois cu a ithwae ikeet me beauseweeren readiy't w iscu aashath but w e dn b kse howenea y ppach theha b wtuioow we dn'teayhealk wer abt we dn'tit buty wale w did t h b eab fendut d careful weovou anfed nd ted t csayefhings wikee an t y thng.s >>s ths a lesson to her thun >>thesadhe n th adn ar. >> you we 14 yrsld i y w14 alarng yrsld i ar tngome thi tso what hpe to shannon ahiife wesso h for the other s yonng adi?es >> iortheth efinit elyoyg i ? ts or i isookefit thre's a l t o is popleokha thn''s aarehey w t seone if e e w a s tnehey justif don'carebout it a i i just t y st doreut iust cking. i wishomod withnfckmainon