to be able to say, look at paul ryan, and the house republicans, they want to kill medicare and kill medicaid and gut the programs you depend on, aren't you playing into the democrats' hands. >> we are giving them a political weapon to go against us but they'll have to lie and demagogue to make it a political weapon. look we don't change benefits for anybody over the age of 55, save medicare and medicaid and entitlement programs and repair our social safety net and get or country a debt free country for our children and grandchildren's generation and, we get jobs. economic growth. they will demagogue us and that all race prevented political leaders from actually fixing the problem and we can't keep kicking the can down the road. the president punted and we will not follow suit and we'll give our political adversaries things to use against us in the next election and shame on them if they do that. >> chris: congressman ryan, thank you so much for coming in today. giving us a first look at your new budget, we'll stay on top of