and these hearings are a long overdue first step to begin the conversation about how do we neat that and empowering the muslim community to fix niece problems. jenna: the reason i ask this, as a journalist, it's a national struggle to define the enemy, to know who the real enemy is. how would you define the enemy of america today? >> well, i'll tell you, i hope we can get beyond of the -- we try to oversimplify, good muslim, bad muslim, we use words that are charged like that and we don't realize that the tph*eudal hasan don't go to sleep a patriotic soldier and wake up a radical. there's a process over years where he gets sort of indoctrinated in an idea that his identity is not with america, it's not with this country, he starts to believe that this country is against islam, against muslims, and i think many of the groups that have been supposedly leading us feed into that culture of a lack of cooperation, and