train right off a cliff. >> gregg: congressman schiff, your democratic colleague, jim mcdermott said today that republicans only care about creating chaos and bricking down the president, even if that means destroying the recovery and the u.s. economy. you want to call him out on that? you don't agree with that, do you? >> you know, i don't think that is true of most republicans and certainly there were some the last several years, that have said things like, you know, health care can be the president's waterloo and if we beat him on this we can beat him in 2012 and there are some who share that view in terms of the budget and spending cuts. but i don't think that is true of a majority of democrats or republicans. they want to make this a political football to the detriment of the country. but what will be a challenge, the house, the tea party is driving the train and i serve on the appropriations committee an original the republicans were going to put forward $35 billion in cuts and the tea party revolted and said, we want $60 billion and the function of the