away from flying. the f.a.a. reports the number of errors by air traffic contollers have doubled in the last year. >> clayton: that's shocking. more than 1800 operational failures from september of '09 to september 2010, just two years ago, there were roughly after that. bob richards was an air traffic controller for 25 years and he's the author of the book "secrets from the tower" and joins us this morning from significant. what is going on here? >> well, first of all, it's a few factors that contribute to these. i don't think that in one year, all of a sudden, it's doubled. you've got to kind of look at some of the factors, one of them was a program two years ago, asset by randy babbit and the f.a.a. similar to the ones used by the pilots in the nasa program. they had a situation they thought it was a near miss and something situation, and they could report it without any, you know, immunity from any type of punishment. they basically applied that program now to contollers. and so what's happened in the last two years is, af he got everybody, whether it's a near