seen. >> if he has 15 arrests why is he still walking around and worrying about child support. >> in 2002 he was involved in an incident with his then wife holly who is now 29 and seemed to be a domestic violence program. as you said at the top of the program we know very little about the program. holly unlike most who get cashed up after winning the jackpot elected not to participate in the press conference. >> we understand she has gone to a sunny location as one friend told us with her two daughters. the husband, of course, not invite. >> thanks so much. i'm joined with a family law attorney. vikki, she is separated from her husband. she wins $190 million. $120 million after lump sum and then 80 after taxes. does he get $40 million even if they are not together? >> good problems to have not for who will hi at this point. it is questionable in idaho. even though they have been separated over two years he may