>> glenn: okay. then our our dollar is down. you say our dollar is worth, on sunday, it started on wednesday. on sunday, if you had $100 on the bank, you have $90 in the bank of value. correct? >> yeah. >> glenn: gold is up $200 an ounce. >> easily. >> glenn: monday the dow opens, what happens. >> plunges 900, maybe a thousand points in 20 minutes. >> glenn: markets close. >> yea yeah, people are in shock walking around and -- >> glenn: you're saying the market close ins 20 minutes. europe raises their interest rates. what does that mean? >> it's a scramble for liquidity. it's all about liquidity and where do you find it globally. >> glenn: so europe raises interest rates and they have debt, they need the money. so they say, we're going to give you a higher yield on your bonds, right? >> we're going to give you more