spend a campaign day in rhode island, obviously raising money is important. >> greta: cove raised money place. >> we could spend time trying to explain political motives around this move. but it is a real head scratcher for a lot of folks. >> greta: who is his political adviser? >> the white house political shop. >> greta: which is? >> axelrod, this was the president's call. make no mistake. i don't think was advisers telling him this is the best thing politically. president obama had this rich with chafee. >> greta: he endorses the republican turned independent over a democrat and the democrat is so close to winning this? >> right if you are the white house you have to let this roll off now it is out there. you can't say you can shove it right back. >> greta: if they lose it is going to look bad like massachusetts, virginia and new jersey. >> right. >> greta: rick, thank you. we want to know what you think go to gretawire.com.