-- when this h1n1 virus, the swine flu vaccine came out a lot of health care workers in new york city were essentially standing against it and they were really angry that there was any kind of, you know, pressure to have to get the swine flu vaccine. >> i think that that is because of a superman complex and i think physicians think they are beyond harm. i'm there taking care of people, i'm not going to be a patient. that is such a big mistake and the first time you catch the flu, the next year you take the shot and the first thing i do every year with when my shots come in, i give it to myself and my nurses and everyone in my office. >> julie: do you require it, though? what if your employer -- employees, rather, refuse to get it? >> i have a problem with that. i think it would be legitimate to say you cannot work here unless you get it. i don't have to say that... >> julie: you support utah's... >> i don't like their alternative, you can wear a mask. i have a problem with the 30% compliance rate. that is ridiculous. we have to do something. i don't know, i don't like big