started and how they investigated that using canines, that testimony continues right now, megyn. megyn: the defense has been almost nonexistent in terms of any denial. it's become a referendum simply on the death penalty and whatever mitigating factors they can find. laura ingle is on it. thank you. chrysler got billions in bailout cash and the president actually praised the auto workers in person a couple months back, and these were some of the guys, getting the thumbs up from washington. now washington didn't know that this was going on at the time, but now, we do. these are the men to whom we gave our taxpayer handout and the reporter who broke this story joins us live in ten minutes to tell us how the auto workers union is now handling this. -- plus -- come on elmo, don't you want to play? >> elmo! >> ♪ megyn: elmo, playing with

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Testimony Today And Adams ,Megyn Kelly ,Terms ,Defense ,Canines ,Death Penalty ,Referendum ,Denial ,President Obama ,Auto Workers ,Guys ,Chrysler ,Washington ,Now Washington Didn T ,Factors ,Laura Ingle ,Bailout Cash ,Billions ,Hi Megyn ,Story ,Men ,Uaw ,Taxpayer Handout ,Ten ,I Don T ,Elmo ,

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