yes. we haven't started the show yet. it opens october 24th. is like abigail's guide a seminar for the audience about dating mating, marriage. there are flirting tips and great giveaways and a lot of audience unt interreaction. >> do you teach audience members how to kiss and if so how do you do that? >> yes, i do and no i am not going to tell you because you have got to come see the show. i am not going to give away all of my secrets. >> i googled it. it's on off broadway you can find it. do you believe dancing is really away a man the savage beast can wouldn't his mate. >> it's a fine line between embarrassing yourself and turning somebody on or getting their interest. you have to be careful about what you are going to do out there. even watching the avatavatar, something like that is more interesting. it's a little bit embarrassi in.