country was to use embryos stored at infertility clinics that were going to be destroyed anyway. we're not encouraging embryonic destruction but taking advantage of the fact we have hundreds of thousands of embryos slated to be destroyed and some that will be donated to research. that seems to be the sound public policy. >> shannon: dr. shirley, if that is the case if the embryos were going to be discarded anyway, would that be okay with you? >> that isn't the case. the people hear well, they'll be thrown away anyway and if we didn't throw them away we'd get the great cures from it. that's the big misconception. there is estimated 400,000 embryos available in this country. and the number that is in the same report that might be available for research is only 11,000. and people -- >> 11,000 embryos would go pretty far. you would get a lot of research done from 11,000 embryos. >> no one said even that 11,000 would be available.