using that he is taking obviously the idea of what martin luther king did and making it kind of his own. they are not going be able to prevail in that particular instance. >> geraldo: noelle, what do you think of beck's i think extremely smooth professional flawless delivery today? he hit just the right tone it seemed to me. and was extremely impressive and i -- you know, i can't say -- i agree with al sharpton a lot more than i agree with glenn beck but i think he did an amazing job today. what do you think? >> i think he empowered americans. i mean think about it. you know what i really recent is why that the other side is taking a negative spin on this. he did this sincerely. he did it authentically. this is what he felt new hampshire islamists heart to do this rally and i think dr. king would praise this. this is why the troops are fighting. for our freedom.