egg cracker they went to, because people might be extra cautious to say even though it's pasturized, they mate not want to eat those eggs. we're not sure that companies buying these pasturized eggs will know if they are from this wright county egg farm or not so, even the purchasers, even the food processers, may not know for sure if these eggs were involved in that recall. jenna: is there any way, steve, to gip expect the ingredients so we know it's safe or that the companies are taking care they're going to get the pasturized eggs? >> well, the simplest way would be for federal regulatory agencies, the fda, food and drug administration, and the usda, agriculture department, to let us know where they go but we're not certain they even track this particular information as to where these bad eggs, if you will, go to be pasturized and what ends up being used for them, so consumers are kind of left on their own to