me on fbn. even if they do, some of fannie and freddie will be defeated. do you think in the end we're going to still need a fannie and freddie? >> oh, absolutely not. he think they should be abolished. the only question is, what do you put in their place. >> neil: well, here is idea. how about nothing, don't replace them with anything. charles payne, dagen mcdowell, and charles. >> we should put a wooden stake through their hearts, but unfortunately we've given them a bottomless pit of moan and the remnant is the housing bubble, wouldn't exist if it wasn't for fannie and freddie, but i think you've got to close them down. it's time for this transition to the free markets and even though the administration has kicked a lot of the free market to the curb we've got to try to make the transition before it is too late. >> neil: you know, i did understand one thing from barney frank's point of view, you can't go cold turkey on it. that's kind of what he's saying. in other words, if you do it too