can't afford to provide. the same thing here as across the country. that's why i think are going to see a big wave election in november of this year. >> greta: i would expect republicans to say that to you. are you hearing -- is anyone coming up to you and saying i'm an independent or democrat, i voted democrat last time, i'm changing my mind? that's why i have come to hear you talk or campaign for someone. >> as a matter of fact, i just did an event for congressman king in sioux city an independent came up to me who had questions about immigration. as you know is a hot button issue that pulls people from all over the map. he said i was an independent. he supported barack obama last time. that he's very concerned about the immigration issue. from arizona but he's here in iowa. i think taking care of a relative or something. he told me that this is a big issue for him and he wants to make sure we have someone