subsidarity. decisions made alternate -- we are a big, wealthy country. we have treated so many people in so many private and public hospitals now we don't want to introduce a system where awful that is going to be centralized and then you'll have a quality of life index and it will say you're only going to live for three years, the other person is going to live for ten years your money is gone, we give it to them. that's ridiculous. nobody knows the future, crystal balls don't work. we help people who are sick and do what we can. >> i think that's important too. the whole debate, people are trying to find a solution to a problem to fix a system that is clearly broken has really been poe lit ta sized and there is a lot of misinformation out there. i guarantee you we have never in this country had a system where healthcare is rationed by the government and we will not under this plan have a system and we