just the white people , white people . white people. no. why are we intentionally leaving others out? there are black founders. this is our good friend david barton, the founder and president of wall builders. also author of "setting the record straight: american history in black and white." come on up here and sit here. we have lucas morrell, professor of washington and lee university in virginia. welcome. he is also the author of "lincoln's sacred effort." okay. david let me -- where do we start in maybe we should start with -- >> james armisted. a great one. james armistad after the battle of richmond, he is in virginia. a lot of battles didn't have in virginia but after the siege of richmond he is there and see what is the british have done in his home state and he goes to enlist. he said, "i want to help." i don't know why but he liked lafayette. he went to lafayette. young french general, 19 years old and said i want to fight with you. so they make an agreement and