completely understand. we need a good framework of law and accountability and transparency but washington can't manage a credit system like this bill. i think the people involved in the financial system know it's going to hurt us and it's giving everyonitierings. we're going to see more of what happened on wall street today. >> senator, thank you very much. a crazy day. >> yes, it is, thanks, neil. >> a lot of people ask me in the middle of a free fall, what happens? what leads to the panic? i tell people a simple market lore i learned from a buddy of mine, people sell first and ask questions later. the former chairman of the new york stock exchange joins me right now. dick grasso. >> great to be here. >> we're dotting the i-'s and crossing the t's. what if it started with someone who put in a bad trade for proctor & gamble and it case cadeed elsewhere.