leak diet prostitution? or is this just a girl having a good time and using her body to get the things she needs? >> that's the thing. these girls make a lot of money and work three nights a week. it is an easy job, hang out in a club and have fun. i would feel bad taking free gifts. i would rather make the money myself. i i did liquor promotions during college. it was in san diego at all the college bars. there were no financial bankers there that offered up anything special. >> so it was a lousy place to be a half hooker because all you were getting -- >> like sleezy professors, you don't get the same thing. you don't get the same thing out of them. >> i'm too old now for that scene. even if i needed a back up career, i don't think that i would take the half hooker job. >> put you in a rest home. what are you talking about? noelle, is it as old as prostitution itself? the fact is women go out and look pretty and they get