transaction. >> neil: okay. but what if it's a small bag? you know, a teeny bag. >> a small bag that fits under the seat counts at your personal item and it's free. the personal item's always free. >> neil: so what's to stop someone from looking at the potential of having a bag too big and deciding to do with whai have done, regardless of how long your stay, fly commando. >> there's some federal rules about that as well. but you can carry on one bag and one personal item. the personal item is free and the back will be 20 or $30 but fare is down by $40 or more, so the tradeoff is great. people who are outraged, they're the people who fly other airlines and are used to being charged 500 to $1,000 for fares and they say i don't want my airline to charge. >> neil: you're drawing