>> he is a chipmunk. here is the think about zachary. he looks like somebody i grew up with. can i show you the picture? look at that. do you ever notice that? greg brady. >> holy cow. >> isn't that amazing? >> that is awesome. every time i watch chuck i think of greg brady. >> have i to take that picture with me. >> it is yours. there is a great story about chuck. there was a 2-month save chuck campaign hosted by fans. i want to know, do you think that had an influence? >> i think it did. i really do. the crazy thing was, we weren't quite canceled. i think it tipped the scale in our favor is what it did. >> we need our viewers to know that. >> our viewers did a can sell "red eye" campaign. it is like, you know what? you don't watch. >> the whole country of canada tried to get us amazing.