almost plunging into a lake after the vehicle skidded out of control on the icy roads. fortunately the driver made it out okay. traffic, though, was backed up for hours before it finally got moving again. the deep freeze, causing problems all around north carolina, thick sheets of ice are formed on many walk ways, creating hazardous driving conditions on major highways. several cars, spinning out on i-95 over the weekend. the roads there could remain trench rurks we're told, for days as freezing overnight temperatures turn melting snow into ice. meteorologist janice dean joins us now, she knows about the foxcast for that part of the country. janice? >> reporter: nice to be in the studio with you. >> we could touch you! >> reporter: i just wanted to be closer to jon scott. jane: hands off! >> reporter: obviously a serious situation across dixie, where we got not only snow but incredible snow totals, ice totals as well, taking a look at some of those over the weekend, over a foot in virginia, north