about your police yes but you're trying to generalize i am giving you a specific circumstance where this crimes are also their case lazy really in the celebrated in their main headquarters at no point did they seem to have been worried or tool that they had to deal with it i will tell you why they didn't even see lisle i will tell you why they did it because if i were the murderer i would have done it there you know why because nobody would think that kind can be committed inside the p. and p. and they can get away with it but they didn't get away with it there now here is a way yes they're now in detention the other way of looking at that mr prendergast is there that was so commonplace that nobody would tell it apart from all the other murders that would go and that's another way of looking at it but the fact is they're in detention and they're facing. charges in court and no most likely they will be prosecuted successfully you will you want the philippines to withdraw from the international criminal courts for many reasons were scared stiff when they