generation of cars china is investing very heavily into a car's and part of the of the u.s. as well and germany is kind of lagging behind so there i think they are really leading the world into something better and that is in the economic with germany because a lot of jobs also to that car and dust into many and this is if we do not invest into new technologies and for electric mobility for example we are losing this jobs and we will as you know this is an argument for it is one of the big challenges coming up and we want to talk about that right now because germany has been is as you mentioned at the forefront of the fight to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of the same time the struggle is given a new urgency when german cities were threatened to ban diesel cars and trucks after courts found them not in compliance with the clean air regulations now this led to the diesel summit here in germany to keep the traffic flowing and to clean up the air at the same time now the diesel summit was considered long overdue in