a little more money for cloth bags they are much better and reusable plastic is harmful for everyone. but not everyone is on board vendors at this market say the ban is hitting their bottom line and that plastic bags are the only viable option during the ongoing monsoon season by. a customer who buys five lemons can put them in his pocket but if he buys fifty he can carry them in his hands he needs a bag with cloth bag he buys ten lemons for ten rupees it doesn't work for us to give him a bag with two or three rupees. i'm not the only one that since the ban customers have not been buying vegetables from us they won't take it wrapped in paper customers want bags they say their stuff gets wet in the rain and spoil. the loving mom and we love him but you know how to get that step richard. the resistance the plastic bag his face isn't a surprise but he knows the mindset changes required to get more people off single