organized gang is behind this? and what are they stealing? >> so what they do, the individual you saw yesterday, he had a garbage bag, went to a specific area of the store. they primarily target cosmetics, over-the-counter drugs, and they take them and sell them to a middleman. then the middleman then sells it on the international market, markets in the united states, at flea markets. this is a multimillion-dollar industry. and because they know that they can recruit people that can hit one, two, maybe ten stores in a day according to the representative from cvs that came to my hearing, they will walk away with thousands of dollars in merchandise that will then be resold at a discount, and there's a great demand for these products. >> and why can't the police stop this? >> so what i've asked for is -- in my hearing we had a district attorney, we had the police department, we've now followed up with a letter of inquiry. the thing that was shocking to me that it was organized retail