truth come out. and that's exactly what it is, not wanting to let the truth come out. they don't want to let the truth come out in this because they know it's damaging to them. that's why republicans are going to filibuster the commission. i suppose that's to be expected from the gop right now. but in all honesty what about the democrats? what about the democrats? what about the party that's supposed to be operating in reality? senators joe manchin and keirsten cinema are watching what's happening really closely because they are the ones who have pledged not to change the filibuster and the 60-vote threshold to get anything of substances done. senator manchin just yesterday pushing back on blowing up the filibuster saying, quote, i can't take the fallout. what does that mean? he can't take the fallout? so are democrats going to knuckle under to a gop that won't accept basic facts and try to whitewash history? are they going to refuse to axe