teachteacher -- teachings suggest you keep it internal. if there are people who witnessed this, apparently they're not saying much. does it become a he said/she said. if there's physical evidence, would it suggest if they were -- if it was consensual or not. there could be other things out there, we don't know. perhaps e-mail or text mail exchanges. we don't what surveillance or video footage is out there. ultimately it's going to be won by the evidence if there is evidence to come forward. i would not look for, again, witnesses who are scientologists to be supporting this laws. the laws of scientology apparently teach very much against that. >> uh-huh. all right. let's switch gears to this other case, the family of a man shot in the back by police in colorado. the family's calling for an independent investigation. the body cam video released yesterday shows two officers firing their weapons as 19-year-old devon bailey is running from them. i want to give you a heads-up, this is hard to watch.